Monday, April 2, 2018

Dear You. Whoever You Are.

I'm curious.

About your past.

Your regrets and your passions.

What is that one moment you wish you could re-do?  What is the moment you're most proud of?

What is your language in a relationship - receiving/giving gifts, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service (devotion), or physical touch - is it a combination of a few?

Are you old school?  More progressive in your way of thinking?

What's the most thoughtful thing someone could do for you?

How do you handle stress?

Do you yell? 

Do you realize the importance of a kiss?  And that all things in life are sensual and incredibly amazing?

If you're angry/injured by your partner - how do you express it?

Do you think it's possible for a woman to be progressive in her approach to life but still embrace "old school" traditions as a feminine partner?

Define femininity.

Can a woman not be a perfect 10 physically but a 12.5 in every other part of their life?

What stills your soul?

What inspires you to be your best?  What makes you your worst?

What quote explains your person - your soul - your life?

What do you want?  I've been trying to figure that out. 

Is there a rhyme or reason to contact you?  Is there a right time to reach out?  When is it too much?

This is exhausting.  And beautiful.  And possible.

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