Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Random Blog - Jeep - Daisy - Force - 100 Bucket List & More

Many moons ago, I blogged in a world called MySpace.  I blogged a lot.  Often they were random observations and thoughts.

Today - welcome to such a blog.


Folks.  I purchased a different jeep.  Gone is the grey Jeep Liberty - say hello to "Daisy" ...

Got her back from the mechanic today (who, by the way, thinks we got one heck of a deal) and I'm ready to put her 4WD through its paces.  A bit Southern Redneck extreme?  Maybe.  My dear husband has asked me numerous times (really, expressed sincere interest) about removing the "01" ...

Uhm. No.  It screams for a new horn, a good speaker system and a new bikini top for the summer.  (The bikini top is for the Jeep.)


I hired a personal trainer.  Like a guy who stands there and counts while I sweat and shake each rep.  It's absolutely fantastic.  It's hard.  The first week I thought I wouldn't be able to continue because I hurt so bad - this week, I still hurt - but not as bad!  My friend, Rebecca, and I were discussing this process and she mentioned that we are each a force in our own right.

**Que Bells**


It's difficult going from super focused on kids, family, work, friends to ::brake squeal:: ... myself.

As I was taking a lap around the block today at break I realized I have had every excuse why I don't take care of me - gotta take care of ___________.

Note to self:  "Hey, you - work on thyself."



What is up with your weather?  Snow?  Rain.  90 in March.


Spring and Summer are approaching - or are on my very doorstep.  I have outdoor fever.  Roads I've never found, questionable paths that prove to be gems in their own right.  Last year I found a list of the Montana 100 Bucket List.

I'll do my best - to do my best.


And - YOU - man - have you taken stock yet of your possibilities?

Get to it!

Much love from Montana and an ever-expanding Simone heart.
