Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Randolph Wanderings

I'm asked, "Why do you write this ..."

Well. Folks.  I write.  That's what I do.  

It's what makes me Simone.  (Suck it up, Buttercup.)

Writing is the best outlet of my possibility.  (there is so much possibility beyond this... I pray others expand upon the concept....)

I am the peripheral glance of many processes and yet a possible primary function and solution of all.

This makes me pause (and chuckle... for the love of all that's holy... let's chuckle....)

.... the pause...

The goal - my goal - this goal - is to realize the impact to/of the whole.

There are many....

... but this is work talk.... let me redesign the possibilities...

If you can make a process better... I challenge you to do so.
If you can be an advocate for the unspoken...  be the voice.  It's difficult.  I know.  But do it.
If you can resolve to be separate from all of the noise... the only real point I can give you is to find your best key.  And make it yours.

Opportunity makes me reflective.  

But - darn it - be expansive in your own possibility. 

Breathe. Deep.

Be great.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Pride Goeth...

It comes in so many forms.

(Shiny object - it's rain snowing outside... and it's April - Texas folks, don't be jealous...)

back on topic...


I started this blog in 2008 and it was initially about random acts of kindness - if you know anything about me, you know such acts - in my belief - make the world go round.  There is something amazing about a kind word, a cup of coffee, a smile, holding the door for someone, making eye-contact, listening... REALLY listening to someone.  It can change lives - I would be so bold to say it does change lives.

Without wanting to admit this fault - I am, exceedingly prideful. 

(Seriously - the snow is coming down hardcore right now...)

... remain on topic...

Things that I do not want to do:
  • Ask for help
  • Admit I'm hurt
  • Show my pain
  • Expose vulnerabilities
  • Feel powerless
  • Cry - I hate crying
  • Let people in too deep
  • Feel or portray a negative point of view
  • ... be anything other than the light I want my heart to show
(Holy BUCKETS!  This weather is giving me a serious kick!)

Today - my friend, Desa - without realizing it - called me out on my pride.  My heart has been kinda heavy - and I haven't conveyed much of it to anyone.  Directing my ship and purpose to 'North'... I just keep going.  Don't stop.  Don't break the shield of "everything is fine" - "I'm fine" - "Nothing to see here... move along...."

It's okay to say - "hey, my heart is heavy."  

It's okay to say - "the me that you're expecting is currently figuring out what 'me' is..."

It's okay to say - "woah - slow your roll - I'm human..."

I'm prideful.  

Let's review a few good quotes... (I love good quotes...)

  • "Anger is the enemy of non-violence and pride is a monster that swallows it up." - Mahatma Gandhi  (Smart dude Gandhi) 
  • "I would always rather be happy than dignified." Charlotte Bronte  (Lady knew her stuff.)
  • "We are rarely proud when we are alone."  Voltaire  (Clearing throat)

(Did I mention the awesome snow that most folks in Montana are cursing?)

Truth be told, pride is an area I need to work on.

I need to learn to say "help" and be okay with it...

... and with friends like beautiful Desa - I can....

Go forth and be awesome.  And flawed.  And human.

And F-ing Beautiful.
