Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Bringing the Storm

... because kindness matters...

It does.

... forgiveness is mental health...

It is.

... by letting go of the past, you're grabbing hold of your future...

Tis' true.

My current pondering is simply this, when do you not turn the other cheek?  When is enough - enough and you not only stand tall, but push back?  Or do you let situations resolve, knowing that someone is a bully and move on and let them live their life?

Or do you push back because they picked the wrong dame to bully?

These are the things I ponder - because y'all know what I always do.  I let the situation resolve itself, I remove myself from the situation and I move on.  Wasted time, wasted effort ... reminding myself that bringing the storm means you're in the storm.

Which reminds me of a quote that is on my desk:

When faced with the Devil - do you scorch the earth or bring the storm?

I choose the storm.  Because I know how to sail my own ship.

Just pondering... because that's what I do.

May you know your power, your heart, and your might.

Love to you crazy, beautiful souls.

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