Monday, May 7, 2018

Life is Not Easy. Be Discerning. Author Your Life.

One of my life friends sent me this.  He's known me almost two decades and still understands that certain "speaks" - well, they speak to me. 

Dare you to listen to this in its entirety.  My cliff notes (for my growing self) are below...

Be your best, beautiful, faulted self.


Life is not easy.  It is not.  Don't try to make it that way.
Life's not fair, it isn't now and it won't ever be.

Get over it and get on with it.

Leave the world a little bit better place than you found it.

Don't choose anything that will jeopardize yourself. 

Don't spend time with anything that antagonizes your character.

Be brave - take the hill - but first answer the question - what is my hill?

Tend [your] garden - keep the things important to [you] in good shape.

Where you are not is not as important as where you are.

The first step is knowing who you are not.

Get rid of the excess - the wasted time.  Decrease your options.

Knowing who you are is hard.  Give yourself a break.  Eliminate who you are not first.

We try our best - we don't always do our best.

Our architecture is a verb as well.
Since we are the architects of our own lives - let's study the habits that lead to our success.

Our honest pain.
Our learned tears.

Be discerning - choose it - because you want it.

Do it - because you want to.

We're going to make mistakes - you gotta own them.

Then you've got to make amends - and then you've got to move on.

Guilt and regret kills many a man before their time.

You are the author of the book of your life.                                                                      

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