Saturday, May 5, 2018

Greater Purpose. For Rick and Derek.

I don't want to count my days to heaven
I know they're coming and they will be infinite
What is now, is the gift I've been given
And it's for cause.

Christ did not walk this earth so I could be ready to leave it
Nor did God create these paths so we could bypass them
You were meant to be present
- and available to what you can do here.

Many speak of the hereafter, and how amazing it will be
All I can do is sit back wondering why they don't see
We are blessed with the bounty of opportunity, breath and life
You have been given Eden.

Perfect?  No.  Divine?  You bet it is.
There are miracles given to us by Grace -
there's forgiveness given to us by Mercy.
Why fast-forward through this gift?

I know where I'll go when my breath is no more
Blessed to be part of a greater story than my own
But I would be errant in His purpose for giving me life
If I didn't live it.

(For Rick and Derek - who are both on their own paths - and who need to remember that the beauty of life is that you have been blessed with it.  Go live it.)

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