Saturday, December 3, 2016

Blogging First in the Last Part of 2016

It has been some time since I've posted.

I think I write a lot in my head right now.  Whole blogs of Simone-isms and thoughts.

... just felt the need to blog today.


First I need to say - Hey - Universe.  I remember.  I remember and I'm thankful and grateful.

Here I am again offering myself - I'm open.


This year has flown by - light-speed holds nothing on 2016.

It's December and I haven't blogged all year - does anyone remember a time when I blogged sometimes twice a day...

This year I turned 40. This year I went to Vienna, Austria.  I walked the same streets of Beethoven, Brahms, Mozart, Strauss, Freud and my beloved Klimt.  I drank coffee in cafes and watched people strolling, walked in palaces, got lost on the subway, rode the prater - drank wine with waiters calling me "madam" and stood in the midst of old Vienna turning in circles and grinning.

Don McLean's song "Vincent" played through my head the entire time I walked through the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam and I felt this strange kinship with the frantic works before me.

I danced with my hands waving over my head at the Baltic Sea - wildly letting the wind blow my hair and letting my soul soak in the sea.  Accountable to none and loving all.

I stood in awe of Brandenburg Gate, ached for those affected by the Berlin wall, listened to the most beautiful street music in Amsterdam, Luneburg, Berlin, and Hamburg.  I was introduced to Goslar, Germany - a city I feel like I've known for the centuries it has stood.

I fell in love - mad, passionate, heart-aching type of love with a city and people half a world away.  I celebrated the 25th birthday with a young-woman whose family is every bit of my family - blood of my blood - heart of my heart.

My 40th birthday was my walk-about - one of many - to remember that living is about just that...



My living is a lesson of yearning.  (happy sigh)  How. Very. Fantastic.

Yes, indeed.

Much love to you.  That Simone-calm-frantic-living-patient-anticipating kind of love.


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