Wednesday, April 15, 2015

So many topics - SQUIRREL

Having one of those days where my mind is jumping around from topic to topic - so I thought I'd blog.


Anyone see the news about this "free-range" parenting concept?  Otherwise known as, raised before 1985?  In the same vein of thinking, I ran across this Time Magazine article:

We all know - or if you don't know - I'm partial to my Germans.  I say my Germans because in 2007 this beautiful 15 year old girl named Melanie, a German exchange student, came to live with a single mom in West Texas.   There are so many great stories - I'll need to start writing them down - but Melanie became/is my family.  Her parents and grandparents are my family.  My daughter spent 6 weeks with Wolfgang, Karin and Melanie and, later, I spent 10 days in Germany with them.

I fell in love with Germany.  I completely love the Stoelck family as my own - and the article hit on topics I saw with Melanie - and what I observed with parents in Germany.  I don't understand the helicopter parenting  - I think it raises extremely dependent children and that worries me for future generations.  My parents, although not a model for great parenting, let us run and explore and walk home from school - we survived and are all amazingly independent people.

I made a lot of mistakes as a parent.  (Oh, so many)  But - I hope I instilled a sense of independence and understanding of the limitless power of a "can do" spirit.


It snowed here yesterday.  I missed it because I was in a drugged stupor and the blinds in the apartment were closed all day.  My neighbors, co-workers, and friends continue to pour support upon JT and I: yesterday lunch was delivered, then fresh bread from a local bakery, early grey chocolate cake and a foot-scooter device that lets me scoot around with my foot up instead of balancing around and hopping with two-sticks.

It is very hard for me to accept help.  I'm learning.


I'm forming a blog about man-bashing - I'm tired of it.


In June, our best couple friends will be here with their kids.  In August, our two middle kids will be here.  In September, we'll be headed back to Texas for a Simpson Family Reunion near Waco.  I've got to get healed up so I can join in all this fun.


That's it.  More later - love to you from a broken, but blessed, Montana.

- Simone

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