Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Bullies - and why I react so passionately as an adult...

Today, at work, I happened upon a bully experience on a public website.  Someone was posting personal emails  from another employee and calling that employee a coward.

The mob mentality immediately ensued and I couldn't help but feel myself react.

This is not okay.  This is never okay.

Many moons ago - in the Winter of 1991 I was pregnant.  I was alone and I was scared.  More so, and most people never knew this, my mother blew the rent money on drugs and she I and lived in her car.  It was during this time - me, 15 and pregnant, her 40ish and strung out, that I was attending high school in Midland, Texas.

High School is hard.  It's rough.  There is no wiggle room for kindness and understanding - and it was during this time - when I lived in our car, bathing in service stations and attending class - that a "Christian" girl walked up to my teenage pregnant self and said, "your child is going to be a bastard and should be hung when it's born".... I stood there.  Mouth agape.  Heart pounding.

I didn't know if I should have reacted in any particular way.  I didn't.  I stood there and took it.  I was lucky they didn't know I bathed in the sink at the local Friendze - much less calling this child a bastard.

Bullying takes many forms.  It is rooted, typically, in fear.  But as a strong adult today, there is something about this public  mob mentality that makes my heart race, my back arch, and my Simone-ness ready to strike.

Life is hard folks.  Even in this First World country where we are so blessed and gifted - we make life so hard on each other.  Cruelty is never okay.  Never.   We have the opportunity to be kind and forgiving - it's not a hard road to take.

I task you - each of you - with kindness.  Stand up to bullying.  Even when you're an adult.  Believe in yourself.  Know that you have the opportunity to make the difference in another person's life in such a positive manner - why would you choose any other way?

Much love and blessings.  From an old soul - and a new soul.

- Simone

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Simone - your insides are sparkly. It makes me smile. More people need to be sparkly like you! I can only hope to be!