Wednesday, March 2, 2011

.... more....

I am the only person not in bed tonight.

Random blogging:

I am drinking the most beautiful glass of wine - let me be exact - I am drinking wine that is lovely to look at and tastes wonderful.  I'll photo it at the end of this radomness.  I received the bottle from Sheila Seaborn, a teacher at the school I no longer work at, but Sheila was one of those people who could make me smile, think or just watch her.  Watching her was always a reminder that I needed to slow down and appreciate things.  I think in her way - Sheila is beginning to see and slow and appreciate.

I'm not quite sure why she got me the bottle of wine... but have I mentioned it's beautiful?


Pardon the pause as I relocate - Ray has moved me from my chair in the living room, to the front porch and now to a corner lit with candles and with the smell of incense.  Ray does that to me, you know.  We've had a relationship for some time - trouble started it and then forever(,) my friend.  I've included so much of hiim in my life that he slides in the most perfect and inappropriate times.  I guess you would call Mr. LaMontagne mischevious.

I went outside in just a t-shirt... nothing more.  nothing.  The wind was blowing softly but a hint of need tugging at the cotton of my shirt reminded me that I was only and merely wearing a t-shirt. 

It was divine.  The street I live on is a dead end street so we have little traffic, especially week-night traffic.  I wandered to the road with a movie to be returned and paused to look up.

The wine can merely mirror the celestrial show above me.  I can see that from here... from here "in the country" there are the stars I sat often in awe of as a child.  My grandfather and grandmother would sit out front in chairs and we would all sit there... with little earth light around us... and so much heaven light.  I smile with that happy ache recognizing that I am seeing heaven light again.  So many things have gone full circle lately. Going back to New Mexico recently to stand so near that spot where I was so in awe as a child... and now, I realize, I'm still in awe.  God please let me stay that way.

Ray just tempted with: Laid the blessings on the ground, softening as sound draws us closed again, stay, stay and watch the coals, til' they cease to grow like the empty promise... do you see how he is?

Ray is the wind in t-shirts, but only if it's t-shirts only.  Ray is recognizing the stars... there are so many.  The detail it took to get all of those stars "right" and "right where they should be".... and then the exact same attention was paid by Karma/God/Kind/Ray .... to me.  To you too.  To ray.

David Gray is helping Ray along, "pay no mind to it, oh let it blow, break you up inside if you don't let it go"

That's the thing with these writers and wanderers.... sometimes they're right on it... and sometimes you wished they were.

There's no rhyme or reason... maybe a little rhyme.

loving..... really loving... and feeling the wind pull cotton.

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