Thursday, August 17, 2017


It was slow to happen, one of those things in life you don't even realize.

You've spent a couple score of years not even knowing it.

And then, simply, one day - you look in the mirror and you think, "I'm beautiful."

And when it happened - when this moment happened -  I felt like a startled deer in Autumn and a shot of fine, warming Kentucky bourbon running through my body at the same time.

41 years.  41 years and a body marked with scars, stretch marks, and showing small tell/tale signs of lines on my face - it was surprising when I turned to grab my keys, glanced in the mirror and smiled at myself and thought, "I'm beautiful."

Not your traditional beauty, mind you, I'll never be a single digit size, nor will I be a sculpted goddess with a washboard tummy.  I do have phenomenal hair, sincere eyes, round high cheek-bones, a beauty mark above the left corner of my lips - and those lips - quick to smile, easy to laugh, and ready for witty dialogue and debate.  While feeding my soul, I started to feed my shine that brightens others - by taking care of me - I started to let my Simoneness break through.

I am beautiful.

Hello me. Welcome.

May you know you.  Find you.  Love you.  Be grateful.


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