Saturday, October 9, 2010

In Ten Years...

So I was talking to an old friend - he would chuckle at that use - he's older, but we've also known each other for... oh, I don't know... going on 10+ years?  Catching up, telling funny stories and just touching across the miles and checking on each other. 

I was telling him that I needed to get going - had to get the house clean because I have some friends visiting from Austin and they'll be staying the night. 

He said, "Simone, just remember the ten year rule."

Ah, yes, he's right.  In ten years I will remember their visit more than I will my clean house.  They, hopefully, will remember a fun time together and not recall the dust that didn't get a good swish or floors that hadn't seen a perfect sweep.

In ten years, I will be mom (and step mom) to 28, 27, 25, and 24 year old children who will not so much be children anymore.  I'll be 44.  Which is mind bending - but acceptable.  I will probably still have Dexter - but poor Dixie is up in years right now - I'm thinking she'll be waiting in dog heaven for the rest of us to get there.

I'm quite sure I will have traveled east.  I seem to travel west a lot.  I will (hopefully) have finished my book and I will spend much debate on whether anyone will read it.  (It would be nice if I could just bite the bullet and finish in the next five years...) 

In ten years I will be a bit wiser, but I'll also realize how much I really don't know.  I will have that convertible.  No doubt about it.  I hope I'm even trading in that convertible for something more practicle because I finally got it out of my system.

I may - maybe - might - be a grandma by then and I have decided that I don't want to be called "Grandma" or "Memaw" or "Nana" - I want to be "Bootsie."  Yes - you read that right and if it makes you giggle or 'pshaw' just a little then you get the point.  I like it.  "Bootsie"

I am quite sure that I will have traveled to Germany to see my German Cookie and her parents.  Maybe I'll have learned a little bit more German - maybe not.  I will make it a point to spend my money on travel and my 401K - if there is anything I've learned in the past few years is that you don't have to have lots of money to travel.

I will not give one flying flip about the dust - but I'm sure I'll find myself dusting atleast every other week... maybe more.

I will paint more.  By then I won't have to run a kid here or there... so I'll paint.  I'll listen to all of the music that I want, not worrying that someone asks to change the song AND I will attend many more a concert.

Ten years isn't that long.

I better get started on some of these goals now.

I wish you goals you reach and goals you dream for the next ten years.  I wish you sixty more.

Much love.

- Simone


Unknown said...

Hey Simone, I am also a fan of the "10 year rule" because it is so true...I love your blog, you always make me laugh (Bootsie - love it!).

Bob said...

Your right ten years is a short time, there has been a lot of thing that came and went in my last ten years....One thing that always remain the same is is a Friend Thank you for being that friend. There has been times i would think WWSS (what would Simone Say)
Thanks for the last ten years