Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Why Post?

After my last post, I had a friend who has known me for quite some time ask me, "Why are you sharing this online so publicly?"

Writing is a salve for me.  Sharing is a reminder that we are intertwined.

Frankly, we all spend a lot of time trying to take the best photo, or compose the right line, or do the right thing for some appearance or another.

To be a Paulie-Anna storey of myself is to, in some way, wrong myself of every hard part, every trial, and every large truth that taught me a big lesson.

The best part - and this is what I have learned - we all have more in common than our bylines or random public descriptions.

We have been through hell.  Back again.  Bought the t-shirt.

And we made it.  We're still going.  Still wandering.  Still being true.

Bless you and your path - past and present.  May it strengthen you to know that there are so many options of hope and wonder.

- Simone

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