Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 Challenge. Shame in Truth. Homelessness.

It is no secret that I was very young when I became pregnant.  (14 for those who didn't know...)

To preface the next part of this story let me remind everyone that with hard work, much prayer, and the love of her great-grandparents, grandparents, teachers, friends, and family - the little girl born in 1992 has turned into an amazing woman in college figuring her own world out.

Blessed. But for this story - I digress.

I moved to Midland, Texas with my mother when I was pregnant.  This was with assistance from my grandparents - her parents. (who are quite possibly the closest souls to saints I've ever known...)

There is a lot to this part of the story - one day I'll write it all - but in that time frame - from the move to Midland, to the birth of my beautiful daughter there were many lows ... one being this: for almost 3 weeks - my mom and I lived in her car.

We were homeless.

A few people know this - it's not a banner I wave, nor a feeling I care to ponder for long periods of time, but truth be told, living in a car humbled me and I am thankful for the humility and foresight this time gave me. This sad experience was quite possibly the point in my life where I realized that I held a greater part in my own destiny.  I could be one who acts - or I could react to the life handed to me by others.  Acting and making my own choice(s) in life seemed rather preferable.

We survived those few weeks on leftovers from my mother's hostess job at Western Sizzlin, kindness from friends who knew her from there, and from my PDAP group in Midland, Texas.  PDAP also had a large hand in saving me - but again, that's another writing.

All of this disclosure and public writing is more to bring light to my experience and opinion of those homeless who you see and then pass by with a side glance  -  don't look too close.  It might become too personal.

It's personal.  For many.

Without a doubt, there are many able people who take advantage of others.  I know this.  (I do.)

What I will tell you, from personal experience, is this:  there is a larger group of people who feel utter pain asking you for money, help, or assistance.  Those who sleep in cold, wet places at no cause of their own - just a bad flip of the coin.

There are few things that make me more angry than the indifference to those who suffer and are in need... don't let the haves tell you that the have nots are less than - they are not.  Don't become blind to compassion and the works of every ascended Master before this time - Christ included.  Christ didn't walk beautiful ballrooms, with assistance to raise money, looking in a sterile way to help those in need.

Poverty is dirty.  Homelessness is dirty.  It is not pretty.  It's not a simple check signed, an auction item won - it's heartbreaking.

For 2015 I challenge you.  Anyone who happens upon this writing: take stock in what is real - lives are real.  There are souls who can be lifted by close touch and realization of value of their humanity and life.

Be aware.  Be real.

Blessings.  Always.

- Simone

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