My grandparents - Nana & Papaw - were avid and vocal Republicans. In the 80s they donated various funds to the Reagan efforts of election and I remember a framed signed photo from 'Nancy and Ronnie' thanking my grandparents for their financial support to the Reagan cause.
How very glamorous in my young mind.
I grew up. I made various choices - I became rather independent minded and it drove my grandmother crazy. I was not/am not always right in my direction - but I try very hard to balance my own heart with the belief that I have been raised.
In 1996, I could vote in a Presidential election for the first time. I was 20. I watched debates. I read the paper. I tried my best to educate myself ... and I voted for Bill Clinton. I did not (do not) consider this a fault.
Telling my grandparents - however - that admission on my part showed how quite unaware I was to the political differences and opinions of those I love. They didn't talk to me for a month. (However, these were an extraordinary couple who, when I disclosed my pregnancy at the age of 14, they were amazingly supportive and loving...)
Politics - man, how they divide us. Politics/religion/financial class - these are - throughout history - dividing measures for much of society.
"Us and them," - these are dangerous lines. Often we buy into this prescribed version of 'reported' current events and history. Maybe we hold ourselves afar from other religious beliefs or we cater to the media's version of fear and indoctrinated hate and suspicion.
I can't be part of this. I won't be part of this.
I am consistently thankful for the diversity of individuals who have crossed my path. These real life interactions have molded me - and I realize my voice may often be the minority of my small world paths.
These - though - are my truths:
- The religious readings of every system speak of extremes that we would not allow in a civil society.
- I am a sinner of proportion past redemption - and yet - this is exactly what I'm offered. (Redemption.)
- I know "felons" who are some of the most admired people in my life. I would give my all for each one of them.
- Love, in any form, is the light of this world - better check your anger, bigotry, and homophobia.
- We cannot allow a world where fear invades the following: protection (2nd Amendment), free speech (1st Amendment) - and here - without Bill of Rights and Constitution - respect for your neighbor.
I'm incredibly - and always - verbal. It's because of my true and very real belief in you - each and every one of you - that I'm this way.
And, frankly, I love being this way.
May love and light grace your paths.
- Simone
May love and light grace your paths.
- Simone