Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Caution: Fragile


There's a movie where someone pronounced the word fragile as "fraj-eel-ee" - I still read the word like that in my head.

That's how I'm feeling right now - fraj-eel-ee.

Where to start - and where can I even voice this...

I trusted someone.  Took them at face value - and in the process found my heart sneaking into the picture - and then it was ripped out, chewed up, set in front of me and shattered.


Strong woman.  Yeup.


Work ... Jesus H Christ. What a mess.  Restraining orders. Court hearings. Madness.


I want to pull the pieces of me back into place and protect them.  I want to go back three months.

I don't want to be fraj-eel-ee.  I want to be me.

So I'm going to give myself 3 days of feeling fraj-eel-ee.

And then I'm going to suck it up and find my fierce, bad-ass self.

Ready.  Set.  Go.

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