Friday, July 7, 2017



I need impenetrable mental fortitude.

Or - at the very least - I need to build thicker walls and jump in deeper ponds and oceans.  Immersion at its very best.  Age (this makes me laugh) - is finding me prepared for a wound.  A wound not developed - a wound that is expected.

I hate this.

I hate it.

Frankly, I'm not good at this self-discovery life part of things... I've got self-discovery down.  It's the adding someone to this mix - it's discombobulating. And scary.   "Why can't we all just get along...."

My personality is one that invests ... I don't think that's an option for this life of finding that 'one.'

For the love of all that's holy - I know - (and I do) - he's there.

Just be careful with my fragile heart....

... and my impenetrable fortitude.

Not always easily... anything.

Impenetrable Mental Fortitude - IMF - It's going to take awhile.

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