You are Simone - you do not moon.
You Sun and you Stars.
You sway with tall trees while diamond light captures your shadow.
You call the seas and walk the old paths of new adventures.
You sit in fields of gold and watch the butterflies chase.
You do not chase.
You are Simone - you do not moon.
You Rocket and you Galaxy.
You teach by action. You love by action. You live by action.
You wade barefoot in cold waters - mossy and deep.
You seek the unpaved and search for the direction up.
You do not look back.
You are Simone - you do not moon.
You Comet and you Universe.
You draw line and color because your soul directs it.
You dance with hands aligned with the airy notes of tune.
You accept the face of challenge and bless its being.
You are Simone.
You are of the Divine....
A reminder to myself.
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