Monday, May 18, 2020

Honeycomb Prose

You know what I wish?  I wish for you - every single one of you?  I wish madness that makes you write, giggle when no one is around, and realize the weight of the love by you for you (just you) pushes you forward into something magical.

Maybe it's the bees in the blooming trees outside the door.
Maybe it's the way the air smells this time of year - but something is making my mind whirl with color and words and it's dancing out of me like the sprinkler water that twists and turns and revels in the air before it hits the ground.

Wrote this in less than 5 minutes today. 

tell me you love me
whisper my name
lead me to nectar
or it's all done in vain
blow on my neck
as the dew turns to glow
spread petals of pink
the shades you well know
read me byron and shelley
honeycomb words of sweet
a dripping, laden harmony
brings sway to my beat
tell me you love me
whisper my name
bring wise prose to prosper
setting possible aflame

Art by Patty Rae Wellborn @