Sunday, February 1, 2015

Age. Reason. Surely.

It irritates me greatly when people express their opinion and then tell me it's based on their (surperior) experience or advanced age.

My grandmother might have been appalled (or apetered) at my point of view, but don't tell me that your advanced years makes you wiser - because, likely,  I'll lay out my life experience to compare to your own.

Sure, sure - I may have the years that you click your tongue at... I may have the years that you don't understand -  but I am sick and tired - and fit to be tied - that my life is less because of my years.

You don't know my path.

After years of trying to be less than local opinions, I simply find that I'm quite fierce.

In fact, I'm likely to be the one who stands in front of the line to be plowed over - only to stand again.


And yes.

You have earned every year, every scar, and every single pain and heartache.

Let it mold and meld you.

But please, don't believe your individual 365 days multiplied by what you have, gives you a creative base to launch and judge others from.

Please don't.  Please.  Even if I ended the sentence with a preposition.

I'm fierce because I survived and love in such a way - I am faulted because I lived and loved in the same measure.

I'm not close to half a decade - but I'll be damned if I don't try to live twice as long.

... venting - ventng because my young years makes me fierce.

(and I love this about my life)

(and I surely love this about you)

because -

- Simone